Con la participación de los más altos ejecutivos de la industria aérea, se realizará en Cartagena, del 14 al 16 de octubre, la sexta versión del Foro de Líderes de ALTA (ALTA Airline Leaders Forum).
Agenda 2009
Miércoles,14 de Octubre | ||
3:00pm – 8:00pm | Registration Open – Atrium Second Floor | |
6:30pm – 7:00pm | Hotel Lobby Pickup and Transfer to Baluarte San Francisco | |
7:00pm – 10:00pm | Welcome Reception and Dinner “A Taste of Colombia” Baluarte San Francisco | |
Jueves, 15 deOctubre | ||
7:00am – 9:00am | Registration Open – Atrium Second Floor | |
8:00am | Exhibit Area Opens – Atrium Second Floor | |
8:00am – 8:45am | Opening Breakfast Address by Cartagena Mayor Judith Pinedo Sponsored by Oficina de Turismo de Cartagena – Cartagena Ballroom Second Floor | |
9:00am – 9:30am | Official Opening Grand Salon Bolívar – Second Floor Presiding Authorities and Honored Guests | |
9:30am – 10:00am | “The Airline Industry Struggle to Survive and Prosper” IATA Director General & CEO, Giovanni Bisignani | |
10:00am – 10:20am | Coffee Break Sponsored by Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa S.A. | |
10:20am – 10:50am | “Latin America and the Caribbean: Land of Opportunities and Challenges” ALTA Vice President and Avianca CEO, Fabio Villegas | |
11:00am – 12:00pm | Keynote Presentation President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez | |
12:00pm – 1:00pm | “Aviation Safety Oversight: The Regional Challenges” Moderator: Marsh Sr. Vice President Aviation & Aerospace Practice, Eduardo Dueri
| |
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Lunch Keynote Speaker: UPS President, Bob Lekites Sponsored by Embraer– Cartagena Ballroom Second Floor | |
2:35pm – 3:30pm | “The New Brazilian Model: Lessons to be Learned” Moderator: Embraer VP Commercial Aviation Latam Mkt, Luiz Hamilton Lima
| |
3:30pm – 4:30pm | “Technology Developments for a More Efficient Industry” Moderator: BAIN Partner, Stan Pace
| |
4:30pm – 4:50pm | Coffee Break Sponsored by IBS Software Systems | |
6:30pm – 7:00pm | Hotel Lobby Pickup and Transfer to Teatro Heredia | |
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Cocktail Reception & ALTA Awards Dinner Teatro Heredia Sponsored by Proexport Master of Ceremonies Spencer Stuart Managing Director Michael Bell
| |
Viernes, 16 de Octubre | ||
8:45am – 9:45am | Breakfast Address by Corporacion Turismo Cartagena Presidente Ejecutivo, Luis Ernesto Araujo Rumie Sponsored by Oficina de Turismo de Cartagena – Cartagena Ballroom Second Floor | |
10:00am – 10:30am | “The Wall Street Perspective” Bank of America-Merrill Lynch Senior Analyst, Mike Linenberg | |
10:30am – 11:30pm | “The Industry and the Environment: Big Steps, Small Footprint” Moderator: IATA Environment Director, Paul Steele
| |
11:30pm – 11:45pm | Coffee Break Sponsored by Pratt & Whitney | |
11:45pm – 12:35pm | “The Customer Experience – How to Reduce Passenger Hardship and Improve the Bottom Line” Moderator: Luis Carlos Velez, CNN
| |
12:35pm – 1:25pm | “Smart Ways to Face the New Financial Realities and Risks in the Region” Moderator: Airline Business Editor, Mark Pilling
| |
1:30pm – 3:00pm | Lunch Keynote Speaker: Volaris CEO, Enrique Beltranena “Social Media: Connect with Your Customers” Lunch Sponsored by Lufthansa Systems – Cartagena Ballroom Second Floor | |
3:00pm – 3:20pm | Closing Remarks Cartagena Ballroom Second Floor ALTA President & TACA CEO, Roberto Kriete ALTA Executive Director, Alex de Gunten | |
6:30pm – 7:00pm | Hotel Lobby for Pickup and Transfer to Castillo de San Felipe | |
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Cocktail Reception & ALTA Dinner Fiesta Castillo de San Felipe Sponsored by Proexport and Airbus | |
Please note | The ALTA Airline Leaders Forum Agenda is subject to change. *Invited Conference Attire: Business Casual Oct. 14th Welcome Reception: business casual; comfortable shoes recommended; outdoor event with light walking. Oct. 15th Awards Dinner: business casual; indoor event. Oct. 16th Dinner Fiesta: business casual; comfortable shoes recommended; outdoor event with light walking. |
Oradores Confirmados
Name | Title | Company |
Su Excelencia Alvaro Uribe Velez | Presidente de Colombia (invited) | |
Mr. Luis Guillermo Plata Paez | Ministro de Commercio de Colombia, Industria y Turismo | |
Roberto Kriete | CEO | Grupo TACA |
Fabio Villegas | CEO | Avianca |
Pedro Heilbron | CEO | COPA Airlines |
Enrique Cueto | CEO | Grupo LAN |
Manuel Borja | CEO | Mexicana |
Alex de Gunten | Director Ejecutivo | ALTA |
Giovanni Bisignani | Director General | IATA |
Miguel Southwell | Presidente | ACI-LAC |
Karla Gonzalez | Ministro de Transporte de Costa Rica | |
Mark Pilling | Editor | Airline Business |
Stan Pace | BAIN Partner | |
Jose Huepe | Presidente | CLAC |
Daniel Calleja Crespo | Director | Air Transport at the European Commission |
Di Reimold | FAA Acting Assistant Administrator for International Aviation | |
Randy Babbitt | Administrador | FAA |
Paul Steele | Director | IATA |
Loretta Martin | Director Regional | ICAO |
Gilberto Lopez Meyer | ex Presidente | ICAO’s GIACC’s |
Luiz Velez | CNN | |
Michael Bell | Master of Ceremonies Spencer Stuart Managing Director | |
Mike Linenberg | Senior Analyst | Merrill Lynch |
David Treitel | Presidente | SH&E |
Roberto Junguito | CEO | Aerorepublica |
German Efromovich | Synergy Group Chairman | |
Ann Zipser | Director | TSA, Global Policy and Programs |
Enrique Beltranena | CEO | Volaris |
Paul Gretch | Director | Office of International Aviation, U.S. Dept. of Transportation |

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