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Temas relacionados con la Aviación Civil
Por Leo94
excelente foto, hay no hay nada que discutir, por cierto como es que es lo de los AIRBUS para Avianca Brasil/OceanAir?
se reciben 4 o 3 este año?
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Por juancho3066
Leo94 escribió:excelente foto, hay no hay nada que discutir, por cierto como es que es lo de los AIRBUS para Avianca Brasil/OceanAir?
se reciben 4 o 3 este año?
este año ocanaiar, futura avianca brasil debe recibir 3 A319...............con posibilidades de mas segun los slots y negociaciones disponibles
los msn serian
MSN 4287 y el MSN 4336 y el que vemos en la foto MSN 4222
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Por designlatin
Yo sé, y tendría en backup en Camipul para operaciones encubiertas de mayo envergadura. :lol:
Gracias por compartir esa información Juancho!
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Por Nicop
Entre ayer y hoy se hizo el vuelo de entrega del primer A319 de O6 (Avianca Brasil), el avión ya tiene su matrícula brasilera que es: PR-AVB y lleva por completo los colores de Avianca, solo se diferencia por la bandera Brasilera, como ya se comentó el avión viene configurado en una sola clase. :D
Por Leo94
Este es el segundo A319 de AV Brasil.
Perdonen por no citar fuentes pero agradezco a quien haya tomado la fotografia y le pido disculpas de antemano.
445.jpg (388.01 KiB) Visto 3273 veces
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Por designlatin
Qué emoción!
Leo94 escribió:Perdonen por no citar fuentes pero agradezco a quien haya tomado la fotografia y le pido disculpas de antemano.
¿Tiene al menos la dirección URL -la dirección de internet- de dónde la sacó?
Hi everybody.

This is my first post here at Aviacol and i want to start by saying sorry for writing in english. Even though i'm from Brasil, our languages (portuguese and spanish) have a way of being so similar an yet so distant when it comes to understand a lot of words and meanings.

I'm here to tell you that sources here in Brasil have told us that tomorrow starts the advertising campaign on Tv, radios, newspapes, magazines, etc, of Avianca Brasil.

The first one should be a one minute television ad during a program called Fantastico, a sunday night news program that has the most expensive advertising spaces here. If you want to start a new big campaign, that's the program to do it.

This promise to be the first major advertising campaign of the airline, since on it's 8 years history as OceanAir it pretty much lacked a publicity side to it. That makes this new campaign that much important, as it serves a purpose of making the general public aware of the "new" airline in the country and assures to the aviation industry it's commitment as a revamped airline, capable of bringing something new to the brazilian market (and that's mostly a better in flight service/experience).

I can tell you for sure that we are very happy about this fresh start for the once OceanAir, now officially Avianca. More options to fly around the country and the region are allways welcome, and we expect this to be a reality soon with the constant integration of all airlines of the Synergy Group under the Avianca-TACA brand.

Oh, and since you already have in the spotter foruns a picture of the first A319 of Avianca Brasil (during it''s very first land at Congonhas), here goes another new one, the first picture os a F100 wearing Avianca titles around here: ... _GRU_2.jpg

Picture taken during approach to Guarulhos International Airport yesterday. Credit goes to SkyLiner.

Hi PBY Catalina,

Firts of all, on behalf of the entire Aviacol Community, I would like to welcome you "aboard"!
Secondly, thank you for the information given about Avianca (Brasil) and the beginning of this new era for the former Ocean Air there in Brasil; we all hope this would be some kind of rebirth for this airline, taking advantage of the good will of Avianca.
Would it be possible for you to post here images and videos of this advertising campaign?

Hope to keep counting on you here, and hope to learn some portuguese too!! :lol:
Thanks a lot for the welcoming designlatin.

Hopefully i'll be able to bring you some good (sometimes maybe first hand) information about what's happening here in Brasil, but most definitely i now i'll learn much more with you guys then teach.

So, answering your first call, here comes the link to the tv ad aired last night: ... r_embedded

No mentioning whatsoever about the transition from OceanAir to Avianca. Although this is very clear on the website, seems like they went for something different here, bringing a feeling of "completely new" trough the tv ad.

Por menson39
Buenas noches, tengo una duda, ya hay nuevos operadores en la ruta BOG-GRU-BOG, creo que Avianca Brasil lleva algo mas de un mes y medio y TAM algo asi como dos semanas, alguien puede informarnos como van esos vuelos, que tal se han comportado en pasajeros transportados, quien ha sentido mas el efecto, Avianca Colombia o Varig/Gol

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